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Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Wolfbiter on December 07, 2006, 03:25:37 am

Title: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 07, 2006, 03:25:37 am
Updated 2006-12-14

Wrote this script because it's better to have each level # accessible from a main location that have it all hardcoded in a prepared string.
It'll also make it easier to change the ranges later on if FC changes anything.

You'll need the colors module (,312.0.html) for this.

!mish/!mission # - List of all levels that can pull a ql # mission
!sk/xp #from [#to] - How much xp/sk is needed at level #to, or from #from to #to
!level/lvl #1 #2 ... #N - Info on each supplied level #
!axp #from [#to] - How much axp is needed at level #from, or #from to #to
!rp/research #from [#to] - How much research is needed at level #from, or #from to #to

AXP added by jjones
Added research points
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Alreadythere on December 07, 2006, 11:19:03 am
Uber, thanks. Saves me a lot of work!

Always wanted to do this, but never got around to it.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: jjones666 on December 07, 2006, 11:45:09 am
Yup, thanks Wolfbiter, most appreciated :-)

Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: nebhyper on December 07, 2006, 03:53:34 pm
This is awesome and includes all but one thing I've been looking for except one thing!


This great though! Thanks!
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Naturalistic on December 07, 2006, 05:18:13 pm
There is an axp module floating around somewhere, or I can just post mine.

Just use the search :P
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: nebhyper on December 07, 2006, 07:18:17 pm
Yep I'm using it too.

Guess I worded that wrong.  What I meant was everything I have been looking for in one file except AXP. 

But it looks like it would be easy enough to add a second table with AXP values and add additional code to handle calling up that table.

I'll work on it when I get a chance.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: jjones666 on December 09, 2006, 03:15:23 am
- added AI levels
- added processing of single level (!xp 219)

(i think Wolfbiter will curse me for awful coding style) :-/


revised sql:

revised php:

Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 09, 2006, 05:30:47 am
Well, not bad.. but I think I'll work on my own little version of !axp and single !xp/sk tomorrow, way too late now ;)
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 09, 2006, 03:49:47 pm
You had a slight logical error for AXP in your script, jj (that had to do with ai level starting at 0, not 1)
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Galdethi on December 13, 2006, 09:07:21 pm
Just got this installed and its great, only thing is it only works for me in tells, any way to make it work in guild channel?

{edit} Installing this and the colours to use it has disabled my bot from responding to anything not in a tell, any ideas why?
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 13, 2006, 11:08:13 pm
Well.. maybe if you include some info on what bot you run (version.. I don't want to see something along the lines of "duh.. I run bebot of course"), other custom scripts installed, etc...
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Galdethi on December 14, 2006, 05:24:59 am
[edit] nm found the problem, slight typo in a file was messing everything up
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Malosar on December 15, 2006, 06:04:27 pm
Thanks for the research update.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Malosar on December 19, 2006, 07:05:22 pm
btw, the last 2 values for rp are wrong. They should be 640,000,000 and 900,000,000. You have 64,000,000 and 90,000,000.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 19, 2006, 10:53:46 pm
The tables aren't verified at all.. nor do they reflect sk needed... I might work on sk tables and updated xp later on when there's something solid to work with, but right now it's just too damn boring to get reliable (ie capping things myself) data.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Malosar on December 19, 2006, 10:56:52 pm
I verified rl9 today. A org mate with 48xxx faction got like 35xxx research sk from the sk bonus on a mish, which obviously capped the research. The % from 37000 (5% of the 740000) was exactly the % off his faction from 50k.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Malosar on December 27, 2006, 11:06:43 pm
Here is an updated version that displays the required real level for ai and research levels. You need to dump your existing level table first and use the new module as well.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on December 27, 2006, 11:55:16 pm
No real need to add the "real" levels.. just had to treat axp and rp the same way you did with normal level.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Malosar on December 28, 2006, 12:24:48 am
No real need to add the "real" levels.. just had to treat axp and rp the same way you did with normal level.

Not sure what you mean there sorry.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Areteh on January 06, 2007, 01:26:38 pm
help files for research.  And yes, it's the same file twice, with a different name.  (yeah, I'm spamming them a bit, just figured since I'm writing them for my own bots, I may as well share.)
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Hectares on March 16, 2007, 01:45:25 pm
ok I put colors.php into the core directory, dumped the level.sql into the database but I get a

Fatal error: Call to a member function define_color() on a non-object in D:\newbot\modules\Level.php on line 14

(Sorry for my noobishness but I really do try to look around before I ask questions)

Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Alreadythere on March 16, 2007, 01:48:53 pm
Change the $colors->define_color() calls to $colors_core->define_color(). Should work then.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Hectares on March 16, 2007, 02:14:20 pm
Got it working. You guys are great! Thanks for all the help :)
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: pusikas on April 02, 2007, 12:30:02 pm
Does show different pvp ranges than helpbot for me. According to this module, lvl60 and lvl76 cant pvp each other, while helpbot says they can. So, either this module or helpbot are wrong. :)
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: Wolfbiter on April 02, 2007, 03:14:19 pm
I just got the info from the old level.php, I never researched any numbers.
Title: Re: Level - but sqlbased
Post by: pusikas on April 02, 2007, 03:22:46 pm
Well, if I knew where to find the actual numbers, I'd just change it myself. But honestly, I have no idea where to look for it... and I am not even sure that the module's numbers are wrong - could just as well be helpbot that is borked.
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