BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Wolfbiter on April 25, 2006, 08:26:41 pm

Title: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on April 25, 2006, 08:26:41 pm
Updated 2006-06-25

Land Control Area script.
!lca 50 <- show all towersites in the 50 range
!lca newland <- show all towersites in newland and newland desert
!lca 100 200 <- show all towersites in the 100-200 range
!lca 100 200 newland <- show all towersites in the 100-200 range in newland

You get the idea...

Towersite info was taken from the helpfiles from CSPMap (
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: jokerjr on April 28, 2006, 03:26:42 am
Get some crazy looping when I try to do !lca 100
 Keeps spaming (page 2 of 2) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 1 of 3) etc.

!lca newland etc works fine.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Glarawyn on April 28, 2006, 04:07:19 am
I compiled a database myself awhile ago, but never finished the module. Attached my SQL just incase you want to compare. :)
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: lonillen on April 28, 2006, 09:31:51 am
Get some crazy looping when I try to do !lca 100
 Keeps spaming (page 2 of 2) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 1 of 3) etc.

!lca newland etc works fine.

have a look at,234.0.html (,234.0.html)
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on April 28, 2006, 11:39:59 am
I compiled a database myself awhile ago, but never finished the module. Attached my SQL just incase you want to compare. :)

Quick compare and I had one LCA more than you, I'm not going to detail compare thou, that's way too boring ;)

Get some crazy looping when I try to do !lca 100
 Keeps spaming (page 2 of 2) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 2 of 3) (page 1 of 3) etc.

!lca newland etc works fine.

Follow the link lonillen gave you, it's an old bug in BeBot, fixed in recent versions.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: jokerjr on April 29, 2006, 02:37:53 am
Whoops thanks.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Xenixa on May 06, 2006, 10:45:40 am
Using Wolf's data I started to revamp the TowerAttack.php module.

Attached is a sneek peek of what I have so far for the !battle command. I've also added the ability to search battles by playfield.

Update: As advertised below, info on how to get is here:,243.msg2314.html#msg2314
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Tsuyoi on May 08, 2006, 03:12:47 pm
So are the attacks always returned as the the coords for the LCA or are they the coords for the exact tower being attacked?  Been wanting to add alittle bit more info for !battle myself, but I wasn't sure of this aspect.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on May 08, 2006, 04:49:58 pm
I think the coords here are just approximate the area, with the attacked coords will always the same (and are slightly different than these), but I've not done any testing on it... just not intrested enough in towerwards.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Xenixa on May 09, 2006, 03:32:26 am
The coordinates Funcom announces in chat are the Exact Coords of the tower being attacked in an LCA. Exception, any further attacks by other orgs in the same LCA it re-uses the FIRST set of coords announced since the LCA went 25%.

The coordinates in the LCA table are the approximate center of the LCA. So performing a simple radius search based on the announced coords vs the stored aprox. center LCA coords was pretty easy to setup. Only it's not so much a radius as it is a box.

I.E. The math ... Announced coords X - Units west(290 in my case) to X plus Units East and Annouced coords Y - Units South to Y + Unit North.
Or for example: X=2000, Y=2000, S=290 : find X-S to X+S and Y-S to Y+S)

That would make a box with the coords 2000x2000 as the center that is 580 units wide and 580 units tall.
See... Simple geometry math. :p
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Tsuyoi on May 09, 2006, 04:02:27 am
That was the biggest obstacle I didn't wanna cover was how big to make the rectange so that it isn't overlapping the smaller zones like in SEB, but isn't missing out on some of the huge zones like EFP or Andromeda.  Thanks for all your help Xen ^^
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Alreadythere on May 09, 2006, 08:41:21 pm
Nice plugin, saves me the work to do it myself :)
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on May 13, 2006, 02:15:42 pm
nice plugin, but dunno looks wierd at me, i would like something like:

Belial Forest Land Control Regions

Forest Waters
- Range: 160-200
- Coords: 2940x2820
- Hugemap: 1
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

Muddy Pools
- Range: 110-120
- Coords: 1100x2620
- Hugemap: 2
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

West of Wine
- Range: 100-150
- Coords: 1700x2300
- Hugemap: 3
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

East of Wine
- Range: 120-180
- Coords: 2940x2260
- Hugemap: 4
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

Central Belial Forest
- Range: 130-195
- Coords: 1900x1740
- Hugemap: 5
- Enabled: No

River Delta
- Range: 130-190
- Coords: 2500x1660
- Hugemap: 6
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

Junction Forest
- Range: 160-200
- Coords: 2540x1220
- Hugemap: 7
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

- Range: 100-150
- Coords: 2340x860
- Hugemap: 8
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

Southern belial Mine
- Range: 120-180
- Coords: 2020x420
- Hugemap: 9
- Enabled: Yes
- Side: Clan

Southwest Belial Mining District
- Range: 140-200
- Coords: 620x380
- Hugemap: 10
- Enabled: No

this is from Gimpybot [RK2]

Also need to add some shortcuts to Belial Forest to BF and others as well
anyway good job man, i'll try to modify it to fit my needs :P
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on May 14, 2006, 03:38:53 am
All but side who controls it is there already, and which side would have to updated when a change is made, and I'm way too lazy/non-caring for that... besides, rk1-2 are different on who controls what.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on June 10, 2006, 10:13:51 pm
I edited ur module, and i would like when u do !lca, reply to be only 1 blob, and the areas to be a link to /tell <botname> !lca <name of area>, But i cant seem to find were to edit this, since u writed it, should probly know hehe :P
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on June 11, 2006, 03:43:20 am
aight works great, somehow doesnt show the land control areas from 4 holes, i'll check when i wake up :P
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on June 11, 2006, 06:30:54 am
It's because the script thinks the leading 4 means level range, not sure how to best solve it right now, I'll have to ponder it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on June 11, 2006, 06:46:55 pm
"!lca 4 holes" wont work, but added -a switch that's in use when you do just !lca, works well enough.

[old buggy script in this post]
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Tsuyoi on June 11, 2006, 07:12:00 pm
Might not be a quick/easy solution, but could just edit all "4 Holes" to be "Four Holes" in all entries couldn't we?
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on June 11, 2006, 07:53:51 pm
yea i guess, wel i dont mind if work with -a, is good enough for what i use :D
Thanks ;p still i had some tells that some locations and cords might be wrong in db,
guess i'll test/check em and post u a checked version
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on June 20, 2006, 03:41:39 am
Changed a bit the outfit of it ;D
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Mephistobane on June 22, 2006, 03:36:21 am
got all that fixed :) thanks to those who helped..

now,im not sure why, but the bot loads and all, it just isn't finding any results,under any conditions....

Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Pharexys on June 23, 2006, 08:00:54 am
do you uploaded lca.sql in the database?
you need to import it to the db that ur bot is using, other way u have to edit the module script.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on June 25, 2006, 05:24:15 pm
Fixed a bug in the script when searching for specific range. Updated script is in the first post.
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: ilon on January 06, 2007, 11:56:56 am
hmm, the lca.sql seems to be missing a few spots, or am i doing anything wrong? >_>
Area: Galway Shire (970x1182)
LCA: x?? - ?? (L-Unknown)
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Thedrock on February 01, 2007, 09:19:00 pm
This looks like a great feature. I've tried putting the file into my module but it says no matches found when i try !lca 60 or !lca newland. When I checked out all the links for more infor but must seem to be broken.
Any updates on this or helpful info?
Title: Re: Land Control Areas
Post by: Wolfbiter on February 02, 2007, 01:08:13 am
Do you get any info at all with just !lca? Ie, did the sql import correctly?
I've not heard anything about lca since I wrote it, more or less.. so I no longer code for it and the problems you described worked fine for me before. Maybe I should rewrite it for my better search parsing.. but the script doesn't really intrest me anymore.

Do you get any console errors when you try !lca newland or !lca 60?
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