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Boss loot table module

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I created this for my guild and figured others may find it useful for their guild/raidbots as well. Basically allows you to lookup a loot table either by the name of a boss (returns loot for that name) or the name of an item (returns bosses it drops from).

I've added loottables for pretty much all SL dynas that have specific loot, RK uniques, and most of the wanted loot from most dungeons. Feel free to correct/modify/add to the existing data. If you make large additions to it, try to post them here for others to add. Also advise if I have made any mistakes with loot drops or missing loots/bosses. Most of the data has come from various sites, some of which are quite dated and concrete data is not available.

I've included the ability to add items to the db ingame however it only currently works with an itemref. eg. you must post the item into the command. Would probably be good to add in adding via lowid as well, which is how is matches bossid's to items in the boss_loot table.

This module requires the items db which is standard with bebot. I have not tested it with the upgraded itemsdb posted recently however as long as the column names are identical and the lowids match then it should be fine.

Update: Using JJs slightly modified version for command change, loot layout with icons. Incorporated php5 fix. Also added !whereis lookup links. This requires the whereis module which I ahve included below with the SQL data as well.


!bossloot name name of boss - searches the db for that name, can be partial and will return loottables for each match.

!bossloot loot name of item - searches the db for each boss that drops that item. Will return results for each item if multiple found.

!bossloot add <itemref>/name of boss/location - Adds an item to the db. It will check whether the item already exists under the boss name so the name of the boss MUST be exact. The location will not overwrite if the boss already exists, so you can put anything for location if adding to an existing droptable. However you must include something for location.

!bossloot check - Can only be done in a tell. Correlates data between the boss db and the items db for missing information. (thanks JJ)

Personally it's a lot easier updating loot tables in the db itself, using a frontend like phpmyadmin, sqlyog or similar.

Nice, thanks :)

Very nice, except one bug.

--- Code: ---[2006-05-12 08:36:03]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [<<< Shadowmoon Association >>>] Tabsl: !boss name beast
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/teibl/aobots/smooni2/modules/boss.php on line 72

--- End code ---

The error occurs also if i type in "!boss name the" or "!boss name the beast".

Some ideas? :)

I removed The Beast from sql db.. now it's not crashing again but only shows Beasthandler and so on..


--- Code: ---[2006-05-12 12:00:38]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [<<< Shadowmoon Association >>>] Tabsl: !boss loot gaily
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/teibl/aobots/smooni2/modules/boss.php on line 105

--- End code ---

seems the same bug, maybe someone will find out whats wrong :)

That error actually occurs if one of the items it's looking up is not found or bugged. Did you add to the beast loot table or something? I tried both of those and not getting the same error.

Also try changing on line 72 and 105, from $boss[0][0] to $boss[0] as suggested by someone to me previously however it didn't work for me in that specific instance. It might be a php version difference?

Also see this post regarding the error in php5.


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