OrgRaidRoster 2.0.0This is a module that will add or remove and entire organization from your Raidbot's Roster. Version 2.0.0 requires my new
Settings Module to be installed. Version 2.0.0 also keeps track of which orgs you have added and will add new members of those orgs to your bot automatically. In addition, you can set minimum and maximum level requirements as well as faction selection.
/tell botname !addorg Playername
Add (or update) all members of Playername's organization to the bot.
/tell botname !delorg Playername
Remove all members of Playername's organization from the bot.
/tell botname !showorgs
Shows the orgs in the Org Raid Roster
/tell botname !updateorgs
Forces an update of the org rosters.
Important StuffI've made and tested this for 0.2.10, it should work with BeBot 0.2.8 and above.
I've used SQL that is only available in MySQL 4.1.0 or higher. If you're using a previous version of MySQL, this isn't going to work.
You really should be running in raidbot mode. If you're running in guildbot mode, the members this module adds will be removed when the guild roster updates.
New in version 2.0.0- Uses my Settings Module
- The module will keep your org additions up to date automatically.
- You can view which orgs you've added to the org raid roster and remove them as well. (See showorgs)
- Admins are able to force an update using the updateorgs command