Nano init not working correctly. Tells me I need to be at full agg for SOTOS at 2130 nano init, and I can easily instacast it at 50%, at 37.5% with OS. Also, why do you need to give the AS calc your recharge speed? AFAIK, only attack speed goes into the formula.
With 50% as neutral pointResults:
Attack: 7.15 second(s).
Recharge: 2.5 second(s).
Init Skill: 2130
Def/Agg: 30%
You must set your AGG bar at 30% (2.4) to instacast your nano.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at Full Agg: 1290 inits.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at neutral (88%bar): 1440 inits.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at Full Def: 2490 inits.
With 87.5%Results:
Attack: 7.15 second(s).
Recharge: 2.5 second(s).
Init Skill: 2130
Def/Agg: 68%
You must set your AGG bar at 68% (5.44) to instacast your nano.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at Full Agg: 1740 inits.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at neutral (88%bar): 1890 inits.
NanoC. Init needed to instacast at Full Def: 2940 inits.